Repair or Replace?

By Admin on Fri 10 February 2017 in Troubleshooting

Deciding factors to consider when making the decision whether to repair or replace your solenoid valve.

To make the repair-versus-replace decision, consider the valve itself along with the overall application. Different solenoid valves have varying levels of durability. Simply designed and constructed valves enjoy a low replacement cost, making replacement the most simple and cost effective choice. Valves with high-end designs, however, rely on the interaction of components and field maintenance may not replicate the valve’s original function. On top of that, replacements usually cost more than simple maintenance, especially custom-designed valves. Although a complicated choice, replacing a high-end design, though costly, is the best recommendation.

Of course, maintenance usually implies the replacement of the rubber parts and springs. However, any remaining parts showing wear or damage should also be replaced. Another issue to consider is the valve’s connection. If the connection has sweat fittings or its location makes removal of the valve difficult or dangerous, it may be best to leave the valve body in place and rebuild its components regularly. Extra caution should be made to verify the valve seat has not been nicked or worn, as this can result in seat leakage, even in valves with new seals.

Where cost is the primary criteria, replacement is most often the best choice. Generally, solenoid valves are inexpensive in comparison to the cost of service labour. The time and manpower it takes to disassemble the valve, replace the parts, re-assemble, install and check for proper performance often outweighs the cost of labour to simply install a new valve.