By Admin on Fri 10 February 2017 in Technical Information & Calculators
Commonly used physical and technical units symbols.
In the international System (SI) the physical and technical units are validated as follows.
Unit of length: Meter - (symbol m) Unit of Mass: Kilogram - (symbol Kg) Unit of time: Second - (symbol s) Unit of electrical current: Ampere - (symbol A) Unit of temperature: Kelvin - (symbol K) Unit of luminosity: Candle - (symbol CD)
Pressure. Old measuring units: Kilo-pond per Cm2: Kp/Cm2 Meter of water column: mH2O Millimetre of mercury column: mm-Hg Metric Atmosphere: at Atmosphere: ATM They were replaced in the SI from Pascal. One pascal corresponds to the pressure of 1 Newton, which is acting on the area of 1 m2.