The New RPE Cartridge Valves - Why settle for a 7mm orifice?

By Admin on Tue 02 February 2016 in NEWS

The new RPE MICRO Series of cartridge valves designed for electronic taps offer an 8mm orifice while still operating at pressures up to 10 bar.

New Micro series valves from RPE

The new MICRO Series of solenoid valves from RPE are indirect acting diaphragm valves with a central inlet and a side outlet. The main features of the MICRO Series valves are their compact design, long life expectancy, excellent flow characteristics and low power consumption.

The latching versions require only a 15ms pulse of DC voltage to open or close the valve. Power consumption is only 1watt making these valves suitable for operation using a battery as power source.

  • Orifice: 8mm
  • Working pressure: 0.2 - 10 bar
  • The new body incorporates a hexagonal; body for easy fitting with tools.
  • Anti limescale feature to clean pilot hole.
  • Indirect Acting
  • Normally closed and latching versions
  • Temp range: < 90°C making them suitable for hot & cold water
  • Can be universally mounted without a reduction in performance.
  • These valves can be battery powered
  • Normally closed versions are ED 100% rated
  • 200mm wire connections, with optional IP68 connectors.

Want to know more?

View RPE Micro Series Brochure and Valves Here