By Admin on Fri 10 February 2017 in Technical Information & Calculators
Which materials are recommended and which should you avoid.
When dealing with aggressive fluids the valve user is faced with the problem of finding compatible materials. In order to simplify the selection the following tables provide useful information on the choices available.
Since corrosion performance is influenced by several factors, the information contained in this brochure should be treated only as a guide and is not necessarily valid for all operating conditions. Increased temperatures, higher concentrations, and the inadvertent admission of water in originally pure chemicals can accelerate corrosion. Depending on the purity of the fluid as well as the compounding and nature of vulcanization of the gasket materials, deviations can result which may affect the suitability and durability of the plastics and elastomers.
The information supplied in this guide does not consider the effect of mechanical loading, which may also have a bearing on the material performance in the fluid. In cases of doubt when considering our products, we strongly recommend the prior testing of samples with various material combinations, in order to establish and check their suitability under the actual operating conditions within the application.
Where liquid food products are involved, the plastics and elastomers employed must normally conform to the local food and hygiene regulations. It is emphasized that these resistance tables are intended only as a guide and that no guarantees can be given in respect of the information contained within.
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